Why is it Important to Correct Your Bite?

tony weir orthodontist brisbane dental care

Many people think braces and other orthodontic treatment are only about appearances, and therefore opt to skip them. They might not consider their misaligned or crooked teeth to be that big of a deal, or enough of a deal to invest in fixing it.

However, orthodontics doesn’t just improve the aesthetics of your smile – it works to also improve your overall bite. Braces , plates and retainers and other orthodontic treatments can have a positive effect on your overall health.

Your teeth are part of a much larger system of muscles and joints that can affect your head, neck and other parts of your body. Because everything in your body is linked, a bad bite could be causing you other issues without you even realising it. For example, teeth that are too crowded or overlapping may be causing you to suffer from frequent headaches!

Correcting your bite can be achieved through orthodontics, and can have long lasting effects; relieving pain you might not even have known was related to your teeth.

Woman with straight white teeth biting into an apple

Why Do Some People Have Poor Bites?

Underbites, overbites and crooked teeth are physical traits, in the same way of that in blue eyes or red hair. Other factors that can affect a bite are losing teeth, periodontal disease, jaw injuries, or an uneven crown or filling. Bad habits can also result in a poor bite. Tongue thrusting and extended thumb-sucking, and pacifier or bottle use can be contributing factors.

Another very important contributing factor is the way children posture their mouth during the growth period. If young children are mouth breathers and constantly have their mouth open, the consequences can be very significant in the development of jaws, face and airway.

One of the most important things to remember is to fix the problem early to avoid problems later in life.

Problems Caused by Bad Bites

Common problems include:

  • Lower self-esteem due to crooked or crowded smiles
  • Improper chewing, that can result in uneven wear on the teeth and deterioration of the jaw
  • Speech impediments
  • Straining of the jaw
  • Difficulty keeping the teeth clean, leading to periodontal disease

How do You Know if You Need to Correct Your Bite?

In many cases, simply looking at the teeth may be enough. But in other cases, an experienced orthodontist will need to examine the patient. During your examination, the orthodontist will take photos and x-rays, and sometimes even moulds or impressions of your teeth.

Once the orthodontist has determined the exact issue or issues, he or she can work with you to craft a treatment plan specifically designed for your needs. Your orthodontist will help you determine the proper course of action to not only give you a more beautiful smile, but a properly functioning one, as well.

The orthodontic professionals at Tony Weir Orthodontics will be able to assess your bite, and see how it is linked to your overall health. Call (07) 3054 6763 or contact us online to make an appointment today.


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