How To Make Your Child’s Braces Treatment… Fun!

tony weir orthodontist brisbane childrens dentist

Help make the most out of your child’s braces treatment…

During your child’s braces treatment they may feel a little self-conscious at times, most often the beginning of the treatment can take some getting used to. This adjustment time should be handled carefully, and with the following tips it can be a fun experience. At Tony Weir Orthodontics in Greenslopes and Corinda we will do everything we can to ensure your braces appointments are fun and exciting.

Coloured bands on your brackets…

During your child’s treatment let their personality shine with different colours available for the bands on the brackets. Your appointments for tightening and any readjusting will occur approximately every eight months which means the colours can be suited to a particular holiday or special occasion.

Become a smoothie connoisseur…

At the beginning of your child’s treatment and often after tightening appointments you child’s mouth can be tender and sore. Try to make this period a little more enjoyable by incorporating fun foods into your diet. The following list is some ideas that are filling and soothing for mouth:

  • Smoothies, try to stick to recipes low in sugar, we still want to ensure we are maintaining good oral health, only with extra comfort
  • Soup, the warm and smooth texture of soup can be used as a full meal and it’s easy to eat!
  • Apple sauce, this is a great snack that taste great and is easy to eat!

It’s important to remember that there are foods such as corn, chicken wings and hard sweets that should be avoided with braces, but if you can come up with some creative ideas to make meal time braces friendly this can make the treatment that much more fun and exciting.

Look forward to achieving a straight smile…

Braces treatment should be an exciting time, you are preparing your mouth to achieve a straight smile, and this is exciting! While treatment time is different for each individual most people keep their braces on for 12-15 months, which is not long considering you are gaining a lifetime of straight smiles. Get your child excited about having straight teeth and before you know it their treatment will done!

Remember braces are for everyone at any age; consider getting braces with your kids…

Why not share this experience with your kids; there is no limit on the age you can straighten teeth so making it a family affair can always be a bonding experience for the both of you. At Tony Weir Orthodontics we offer virtually invisible treatment options that may work best for mum and dad.

Our orthodontic treatments include:

  • Traditional Braces (metal braces)
  • Lingual Braces (braces behind your teeth)
  • Invisalign (clear plastic aligners)
  • Removable Appliances
  • Elastics

Dr Tony Weir will assess you or your child’s mouth to determine what treatment is best suited. He will take into account your lifestyle and oral health and establish the best treatment option for you. At Tony Weir Orthodontics, we want our patients to have the best care possible and the best results. This is why we have invested in the most up-to-date technology. We have technology like heat-activated wires, which let you control the tension moving your teeth at an optimal rate. This means adjustment visits can now be made up to eight weeks apart, leaving you more time to enjoy your life and less time in the dental chair.

Remember having braces is the first step to achieving your ideal smile and the ideal smile for your children. Making the experience fun can be a great way to pass the treatment time quickly.


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We would like to inform you of upcoming changes to Dr. Tony Weir's schedule, effective Monday, September 2nd. Please check back on the 2nd of September for updated dates!

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